One Story Of Healing

imageOne day in 1994, when I was part of our church’s emergency prayer chain, we received a call from a young woman in the church who had recently had surgery on her left ear. She had been sent home from the hospital but infection had set in which caused the whole left side of her face to swell up. She was in terrible pain and was going back to the hospital.

I began praying for her and headed to work. In my spirit I began to get a distinct impression that I needed to go immediately to her. My drive to work took 50 minutes and time was tight. Plus, I really didn"t know her or her husband well, and didn"t want to be intrusive or presumptuous.

But the feeling wouldn't go away and I knew it was the Holy Spirit. I stopped at a pay phone, looked up their number, and called. Her husband answered. "Hi, I"m Sybil from church" I said. "I would like to come over right away and personally pray for your wife if that would be all right with both of you." Despite how odd this all must seem, he was quite agreeable.

By now I was panicking a little because I hate being late to work. As I drove to the house I had a quick talk with the Lord, asking him to give me the game plan of exactly what I needed to do when I got there. I wanted to get in and out as quickly as possible and still get to work on time!

In response, God gave me specific, simple directions as to exactly what to do and what to pray. I jotted it all down on a paper while I drove.

I got to the door and told them that I only had a few minutes. They had just packed up and were about to leave for the hospital. The young woman looked terrible. She was in so much pain and the whole left side of her face was just bloated. The difference in the two sides of her face was so marked.

I quickly explained the instructions I had received from the Lord, and then asked the husband to agree with me in for spiritual protection in prayer, which he did. As I had been directed, I also asked the mother-in-law and the husband to not touch the woman as I prayed.

Then, I turned my attention to the woman. I put my hand close to the her face and simply asked the Holy Spirit to please come and touch her face right then and heal it.

Instantly, at that moment, the swelling was gone.

The mother-in-law was flabbergasted. She had never seen anything quite like that. I told them that I had to hurry to work and to have a nice day. When I left, the husband was still thanking me, the wife was crying with gratitude for her healing, and the mother-in-law was in awe at what had just happened. I saw them in church the next Sunday and the woman"s face was completely normal.